#13 Carter and Presley, these tight brothers talk high school and college athletics, being an eagle scout, and what habits help them to be successful

REAL-ATABLE Podcast 2.0 with Teresa Freeman
#13 Carter and Presley, these tight brothers talk high school and college athletics, being an eagle scout, and what habits help them to be successful

A can not miss episode! Carter and Presley talk openly about the social and athletic pressure in high school and college. They share great advice on picking a good friend group. We learn about what rituals and habits they rely on to be successful and the importance of giving back to the community. They even give parents some great advice!

Comments 1

  1. Cindy McCarthy
    August 1, 2019

    Thanks! I wish I had listened to this when i was in high school! The offer great advice on a number of topics. I was speaking to a friend of mine who has two sons in youth baseball and he offered similar advice about college. Go where you can get in based on your academics. Don’t get hung up on Division 1.

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